This Year's posts

Archive for January, 2005

PEARWeb has added trackbacks

Wednesday, January 19th, 2005

That’s right, you can now trackback to any package. This will be useful to collect references to discussions about packages.

I’m really writing this to test out the feature on my package PEAR::Config.

Roadtrip movie

Wednesday, January 19th, 2005

I made a little movie from clips and pictures from my recent roadtrip

Click here to watch.

IT Conversations: Andy Ihnatko – Tales from the Crypt

Wednesday, January 19th, 2005

I’m listening to an ITConversations talk from the O’Reilly Mac OSX Conference and he’s hitting on something I’m very interested in. He says that the next stage in the evolution of the iPod should be Bluetooth and I couldn’t agree more.

Bluetooth is very useful as a cable replacement. I use it to connect to my cell phone and sync my address book. This very handy, but would definitely doable with a cable instead.

What’s really cool- with a cool app called Salling Clicker, I can script different bluetooth events and use it as a peripheral for my computer. I can have it do certain things when I leave the proximity of my computer (like pause iTunes and log out). I can also set it up to pause iTunes when my cell phone rings. This ranks as a 10 on the Jobs Scale (like the Richter scale, but measures coolness).

Now, what I really want is a bluetooth iPod and a bluetooth car stereo. Imagine the possibilities.

PEARWeb has added trackbacks

Tuesday, January 18th, 2005

That’s right, you can now trackback to any package. This will be useful to collect references to discussions about packages.

I’m really writing this to test out the feature on my package PEAR::Config

P-I Focus: Who are those Christians?

Monday, January 17th, 2005

P-I Focus: Who are those Christians?:

For some today, all Christians are closed-minded religious bigots whose politics are somewhere to the right of the Terminator. For others, Christians can be explained in terms of two-party….