inursite pro launch

Tomorrow I’ll be attending the Start Conference, which marks a self-imposed deadline for launching my current project.

Awhile back I launched a new project, It was a very simplistic implementation of a simple idea, which has proven to be quite popular. Today its becoming something more.

I’m releasing a major upgrade today. Until today, would only check specific pages for HTML validation errors. The new version will crawl an entire site (up to 100 pages a day*) and give you reports about the results. It will validate any HTML, CSS, RSS and Atom it finds. I hope that despite this added functionality it still simple and easy to use.

The new service is available via subscription only, at $5/month for up to 5 sites**.

If this sounds appealing to you, then head over and sign up then upgrade to a pro account. If you have any problems, please post a note on the Get Satisfaction page for inursite.

* only pages that have actually changed since the last crawl and checked and counted against the limit
** More paid plans are in the works.

shameless self-promotion

One Response to “inursite pro launch”

  1. Julien Says:

    I really wish I could attend Start as well! Being stuck in France for visa matters is no fun…