RDF in Ruby?

Earlier today….

  1. eran: trying to install from source
  2. eran: cant get this crap to work even from source
  3. eran: are they seriously planning to build the semantic web over this??? 10 years and they don’t even have a working library.
  4. ryan: yeah
  5. ryan if you can’t get a library that’ll work in ruby on mac osx you aren’t trying
  6. ryan: and you are going to get ‘web developers’ to do it
  7. eran dude, i’m talking about linux
  8. eran: it’s not like fedora core is some obscure distro either
  9. eran and they’ve been using ruby for “semantic web” project for like 3 yrs now
  10. eran if not more

Seriously, there’s gotta be an RDF library for Ruby that works, no? And by works I mean, is installable.

6 Responses to “RDF in Ruby?”

  1. I Blame Beer » Blog Archive » Re: RDF in Ruby? Says:

    […] « 21st Amendment Re: RDF in Ruby? Ha! Ryan beat me to it. This entry was posted on Tuesday, April […]

  2. Jackson Says:

    Will FeedTools do what you are looking to do? I am using it in a project to parse and provide feeds of different formats, but I am not sure how you are wanting to use RDF.

  3. ryan Says:

    I was needing to parse FOAF files, not feeds. So, I don’t think FeedTools would help.

  4. Phil Wilson Says:

    I’ve successfully used Redland in Java and Python with absolutely no worries at all, it would seem strange and unusual that Ruby would be so much harder.

  5. ryan Says:


    Was that on Mac OSX? That seems to be the trouble. (wel, beside Eran not getting it to build on FC)

  6. Phil Wilson Says:

    Windows and, er, some flavour of Linux; I can’t remember which, sorry!