Usage Patterns for Cameraphone Driven Moblogs

I just got done reading this article. Why? you may ask. Because the author (Eytan Adar) is coming to speak in my class tonight.

The article, however, reminds me of the last WordPress meetup, when I met Om Malik. If you aren’t familiar with him, he writes for Business 2.0 and also for his own weblog.

At the meetup, when talking about our wishlists for WP, he mentioned that better support for moblogging would be great. This article seems to agree with what he was saying. I’m sure it would be quite profitable for one of the wireless carriers to build a better platform for moblogging. And why not build it on top of WP? You know the wireless carriers could make a ton of money off of charging their $.10 per MMS like mine does now. And, they wouldn’t even have to host the weblogs, because they can charge for the MMS either way.